Wednesday 11 June 2014

WobbleWorks 3doodle

Introducing the 3doodler pen! Forget 3d printers, the 3doodler pen is less complicated and it is able make simple art designs and makes it 3d and most importantly, it is faster! Though it cannot make weapons or food, the 3doodler pen can make a lot of neat and simple designs.
3D printing pen
The pen was designed by the company WobbleWorks and was brought to the public as a Kickstarter. It was a tool that made the doodles 3d instead on a simple 2d paper. The Kickstarter was so successful that the company made 2.3 million dollars which exceeded their 30,000 expectations!
A piece of work created by the 3doodle pen
The pen works like a hot glue gun in which it heats up, and melts a thin piece plastic material and then when you draw with it, the plastic comes out and will cool down very fast. Also, there is a button in which you can press for how fast you want the plastic to come out.

My thoughts about it is that this could be a great step in the 3d printing world in which could start the age of a more compact and simple 3d printer.

Anki Drive

Hi readers, you know Google’s self-drive car right?
(If not, go to for more information)
Well imagine THAT combined with Mario kart. That’s right you get an artificially intelligent toy car that drives on it’s by itself. It is controlled by a remote controlled app on the Iphone where you see the driving as a real Mario kart game. The technology used for the self drive car is similar to the artificially intelligent toy car (A.K.A Anki drive) but imagine all that technology fitted inside the Anki drive cars.
Some features of the Anki drive are that it has a battle mode in which you try to knock other players of the track. Originally, it only had one mode which was battle mode, now Anki has upgrade to more tracks, weapons, and modes!

I think that there may be a future for this product, as in it might become really famous! I really like the sound of it. It like Mario kart where you’re playing on a console but the race is actually happening right in front of you! 
According to TIME magazine, it is rated one of the top 25 inventions for the year 2013!

For more info and a demonstration of it go to:

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Pokéball Facts

The creation of a pokèball, and how it works, and what it is made of still remains a mystery. We all know that the Pokèball is the most basic tool that helps humans catch Pokémon.
How to use it:  to use the pokèball the trainers just have to throw the ball and call the Pokémon to action. When the trainer wants his Pokémon back in the ball, he simply has to point the ball at the Pokémon and press the button on the ball and the pokèball will shoot out what appears to be a red laser which will (according to some theories) that converts the Pokémon in to a pure electromagnetic matter which is sucked in by a suction into the ball.

When the pokèball is used when capture a Pokémon, it would simply open itself when it detects a Pokémon in order to capture it.

What it is made of: this part of the explanation is probably the most complicated part since there is no exact fact on what it is made of. By putting together the theories I researched, my conclusion is that most pokèballs are made up of Apricorns (a fruit in the Pokémon world). Some theories even say that nanotechnology is involved to shoot the laser. Some theories even say it’s magic.  what it's made of is beyond the comprehension of physics.
 Since I am a huge fan of Pokémon, it has got me to wonder what a pokèball is actually made of. If a pokèball was developed in real life, that would be pretty cool! Though it is not really helpful for people in this world since it only captures Pokémon, it can be a giant step for mankind to convert things into electromagnetic energy so mankind can have more space for storage or to be used for other purposes.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Alice of wonderland trading card games

Check out this new trading card game. It’s a game supported by crowd funding. The crowd funding has ended and was pretty successful in receiving donations in which the company has received over their expectations.
Now, let’s go to the game itself. The game takes place in a Steampunk Wonderland world which includes the characters from the original “Alice in the wonderland” story and other fairy tale characters recreated and re-imagined.
When I saw this product I got excited, but alas I did not have enough money to donate to its cause. I can’t wait when it becomes really famous and launched into the world. I really enjoy fantasy based stuff, so when I saw how the studios were able to skillfully combine steampunk world with fantasy world and how the artists were able to design such cool characters I really thought I should get one.
For those who are curious and enjoy trading cards go to this link for the rules and more information. 

Here are some prototypes of the cards in case you wonder how they look like.

Friday 28 March 2014

Google gravity and Google anti-gravity

Check out this app folks. It is called Google gravity. This app was one of Google chromes experiments and is a Java-Script- based experiment created by Google in 2009. When Google gravity is accessed, you will see the entire screen collapsing. The cool think is by clicking on one of the links. Google gravity will still take you there. Try searching something up and experience the fun!
To access Google gravity search up “Google gravity” and click “I’m feeling lucky” it will directly take you to the website. Or just use this link
Google gravity
Google anti- gravity is about the same think as Google gravity, but the effects are opposite. Every think is floating instead of dropping.
Both these apps are really cool. I remembered when I first discovered it which was actually when I learned from my friends. This is a cool experiment, try fiddling around, and enjoy this app! its purpose is really an experiment for the public to fiddle around and have fun using this application. The instructions for accessing this is the same as accessing Google gravity

Saturday 1 March 2014

original but effective inventions

When I saw these inventions I agreed with some of them but most of them I didn't really understand about
My favorite was the idea of hand controllers are charged through the heat of hands. Effective and Eco friendly I think this idea is amazing. Just by heating the controller up with your hand heat you won't have to worry about running out of electricity and using up money.

for more info please go to this awesome website