Wednesday 11 June 2014

Anki Drive

Hi readers, you know Google’s self-drive car right?
(If not, go to for more information)
Well imagine THAT combined with Mario kart. That’s right you get an artificially intelligent toy car that drives on it’s by itself. It is controlled by a remote controlled app on the Iphone where you see the driving as a real Mario kart game. The technology used for the self drive car is similar to the artificially intelligent toy car (A.K.A Anki drive) but imagine all that technology fitted inside the Anki drive cars.
Some features of the Anki drive are that it has a battle mode in which you try to knock other players of the track. Originally, it only had one mode which was battle mode, now Anki has upgrade to more tracks, weapons, and modes!

I think that there may be a future for this product, as in it might become really famous! I really like the sound of it. It like Mario kart where you’re playing on a console but the race is actually happening right in front of you! 
According to TIME magazine, it is rated one of the top 25 inventions for the year 2013!

For more info and a demonstration of it go to:

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